Help Us Help Others Initiative
The Classic Motor Museum of St. Michaels is dedicated to providing educational and vocational resources to younger classic car enthusiasts.
Unfortunately, some of these youth, and their families are going without basic needs such as toothpaste, body wash & dish soap. We'd like to help and are looking to reach out to our CMM community to support this cause too!
Starting August 1st, the CMM "Help Us Help Others" Initiative will begin.
It's simple.
If you visit the Museum, whether it be for Cars & Coffee, to take a tour of the Exhibit Barn, or are just driving by, we invite you to donate toiletry/household/basic needs items. If you need to coordinate a drop-off time, please contact director Sarah Reichard either by email or phone.
We will periodically take the donations to the St. Michaels Community Center where they are an official Maryland Food Bank and already have a wonderful program in place.
No child should go without the basics, and we hope you can help us make that a reality!